Who We Are
The PIA Services Group Insurance Fund was established in 1969 by the PIA Services, Inc. and is commonly known as the PIA Trust. The Trust is an independent entity designated with the responsibility of providing insurance benefits to the members of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents.
Trustees are volunteers appointed for a three-year term by the PIA Services, Inc. However, they are responsible to the participants within the Trust. The Trustees are insurance agents, members of PIA National and have a working knowledge and experience in the field of life, accident, health and disability products, both individual and groups. The trustees elect their own officers: chairman, vice chairman and treasurer.
The income generated by the sales to the members of the PIA National is used for the benefit of the participants of the Trust. The intent and goal is to offer products unlike any available on the open market, and at more competitive rates to PIA Members.
The Trust has one full-time paid employee, a Trust Manager.